Make it stand out.

Just because its a work space doesn’t mean its should be boring!

Office projects

The commercial office space has changed forever, staff don’t just sit at the same desk day in day out anymore, the promotion of hot desks and working while sat on a bean bag is here to stay. Comfortable relaxed environments with scattered meeting pods and break out seating. Desks you sit at or stand are generously spaced and more comfortable seating, an open office with no barriers, people need to see and communicate with each other. Quiet and glazed offices for personal meetings. Recreational spaces and canteens should be a complete opposite to the office environment, lavish and relaxing, your investing in your workforce.
Designing the office and factory is always interesting, understanding the product and how the staff all work together. The factory floor is just as important as the office, they are a part of the team and should be made to feel as such. Strong visual bonds between the office and factory floor is important if possible.

Leisure projects

The commercial world of interiors and architecture is an amazing ever changing beast. Its always rewarding to develop projects ahead of the game and never, never follow other trends. On a leisure project like a restaurant or bar, its all about creating a brand. Then designing the interior around that. The more theatrical the better, people need to be wowed, amazed and entertained visually. A space that takes you to another world of excitement and drama.

It’s always fantastic seeing people occupy the spaces and how they interact within it, They often are in almost in disbelief they are in such a wondrous place.